Sunday, October 22, 2006

News and test

Those of you reading this not through some sort of feed will notice some minor changes in Spöknippets layout, most noticeable that (nearly) all post now have tags and that the tags are all available to the right, below the archives. This should improve access to older posts. Additional changes will be made, and possible reverted, over the next few days.

New posts are on their way, although not anywhere near the predicted average of two post per month this year. Those who are patient can look forward to excerpts from René Guénon as well as new ones from Julius Evola and Ernst Jünger.


Anonymous said...

hej..uppskattar din sida mkt.

Anonymous said...

Intressant med betoningen av Jüngers tidiga författarskap. Nu har hans första världskrigs-roman "Sturm" kommit ut på svenska. (

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to it...especially Guénon.

Anonymous said...

Om du inte redan är bekant med dem bör du ta en titt på de italienska nationalsyndikalisterna. Med tankar som "Fäderneslandet bör ej förnekas, det skall erövras" och "deltagande totalitarianism" bör de ju kunna vara av intresse.